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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/11/03
Sunapee Board of Selectmen Meeting
Monday, November 3, 2008
7:00PM Town Office Meeting Room
***DRAFT***                                                             **DRAFT***
Present: Richard Leone-Chairman, Stephen White-Vice Chairman, William Roach, Emma Smith, Fred Gallup, Donna Nashawaty-Town Manager.
Also Present: Betty Ramspott, Chief Cahill, Tim Puchtler, Preston Migdal, Betsy Katz, Tracy Nangeroni, Rhonda Gurnsey, Tim Therrian, Jean Chandler.

Documents to sign: Minutes: October 20th  Conservation Easement Deed: Virginia Anthony Soule, Rolling Rock Road. Certificates of Appointments:  Webb, Emery, Fleury, Burdett, Nangeroni. CZC’s:  Map 133 Lot 19, 45 Main St. Andrea Manter, Map 122 Lot 18, 224 Garnet Hill Road, Betsy Lyons, Map 210 Lot 60, 94 Trow Hill Road, Robert Philbrick, Map 215 Lot 27, 94 Apple Hill Road, George & Laura Curt. Land Disturbance:  Map 122 Lot 18, 224 Garnet Hill Road, Betsy Lyons. Demo Permit:  Map 133 Lot 96, 9 Maple Street, Judith Collins, Map 129 Lot 75, 550 Route 11,
J & F Realty. Sign Permit:  Map 129 Lot 43, 4-8 Soo Nipi, Oakwood Park, Inc.  Map 129 Lot 43, 4-8 Soo Nipi, Oakwood Park, Inc.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Leone at 7:00PM.

Tim Therrian was swore in by Betty Ramspott, Town Clerk as the new part-time police officer.
Betty Ramspott also signed and witnessed the Virginia Anthony Soule conservation easement deed.

Public Comments
Betsy Katz informed the Board that the Old Town Hall is now on the New Hampshire State Registry. Betsy Katz really appreciated William Roach being there. Their next meeting is Tuesday, December 18th. Maggie Steer, who steered them though the “Seven to Save” will be there to help guide them thru the process. The Old Town Hall Committee would appreciate any board member who could attend.

Library Trustee- Tracy Nangeroni. Motion to accept, Stephen White, 2nd by Bill Roach. Unanimous. Appointment will be until next election.
Conservation Commission - Van Webb, Timothy Fleury, Lela Emery and Bruce Burdett. Motion to accept, Stephen White, 2nd by Bill Roach. Unanimous.

To hereby accept the offer of the New Hampshire Public Risk Management Exchange (Primex) to enter into its 5% Multi Year Discount and Membership agreement as the date of the adoption of this resolution, and be contractually bound to all of the terms and conditions of Primex risk management pool membership during the term of the 5% Multi-Year Discount Program. The coverage provided by Primex in each year of the membership shall be as then set forth in the Coverage Documents of Primex. Motion to accept, Fred Gallup, 2nd by Stephen White. Unanimous Primex has been our Workers Comp carrier for the past 10 years, have been on 1 year plan, no complaints, per Donna Nashawaty.

Policy on Mileage Reimbursement
Request came from Chairman of the Zoning Board. It’s a request that keeps coming up for discussion. People are now putting in a lot of time and also with the fuel prices. Fred Gallup thinks it would be opening Pandora’s box. It will be every board asking for mileage. If we say yes to the ZBA, we’re basically saying yes to all the boards and committees. Fred Gallup doesn’t blame them for wanting to get reimbursed with the fuel prices. Discussion was tabled, Town Manager will research and get back to BOS at December meeting.

Use of Facilities
Gazebo- July 18, 2009, Darling Wedding Ceremony. Motion to accept, Emma Smith, 2nd by StephenWhite and have Chairman Leone sign. Unanimous.

Recreation Dept. would like to schedule the Looney Lunge the weekend of December 6th during the Christmas in the Harbor Celebration. Will bring the form to sign to the November 17th meeting.

Should the Board charge a fee for use of the Gazebo? Discussion was tabled for future consideration.

Town Manager Reports
Budget Schedule for Saturday, November 8th.
The Budget presentation will be run the same as last year. It will begin at 9:00AM end around 5:00PM. Donna Nashawaty has scheduled her departments at the end in case someone ends early or we want to work though lunch, Donna Nashawaty could then fill in the time gap. The only 2 departments that can not meet on the 8th are Hydro and Welfare. Donna Nashawaty have scheduled them at 7:10PM on Monday, November 17th at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting. If the Board has further questions or comments the Board can ask the department to come back. Outside Agencies will to be determined by who the Board of Selectmen want to invite back for the 17th.

Town Report Preliminary Discussion
Sarah Barton is coordinating the pulling together of the Town Report this year. Sarah Barton sent out the initial letter to everyone who participated last year, trying to have everything in by mid December. The Board needs to think who the Town Report will be dedicated too this year and what should be on the front cover. The Board may want to have a non-public session in November to think of names and bring them back. It was decided to be under Town Manager section on the November 17th agenda.
The dates for the Budget Public Hearing, 7:00PM on Wednesday, January 14th , at Town
Office Meeting Room and the Deliberative Session, 7:00PM on Tuesday, February 3rd at SMHS Gym.
Ski Tow Hill Parking Lot
The bid was awarded to Barton Excavating, amount of bid $11,200. 50X100 parking lot and driveway 16X25, They were the low bid and the work is to be completed by Thanksgiving.

Selectmen Office Mail
The Selectmen’s office mail is now being delivered to 23 Edgemont Road. The Post Office Box has been closed and the Post Office will forward the mail for 1 year.

Richard Leone - Perkins Pond work session, Monday, November 10th.

Richard Leone stated that Sandra Willard, the reporter from the Intertown Record has been very ill, back problems, and has apologized for not being able to make the meetings. She hopes to be able to attend very soon.

Stephen White reported that a press release had been send from the Ad Hoc committee that he and William Roach were part of. Richard Leone indicated that he would like to participate and asked Donna Nashawaty if this would violate 91A. Donna Nashawaty said if any Town business was conducted it would. Richard Leone asked that the members from Sunapee continue and keep the Board of Sxelectmen updated.

Next Meeting will be Monday, November 10, 2008
Motion to adjourn: Unanimous Meeting adjourned at 8:50PM.

Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                        Approved:                       

Richard Leone, Chairman                         Stephen White, Vice-Chairman

William Roach                                   Frederick Gallup

Emma Smith